Claim for Damages — CDRPA

Claim for Damages

Before presenting the Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority Claim for Damages Form, please read these instructions and the Claim for Damages Form in its entirety. 
Type or print clearly in ink. The form must be signed. Provide all requested information and any available documents or evidence supporting your claim, such as medical records or bills for personal injuries, photographs, proof of ownership for property damages, receipts for property value, etc. If the requested information cannot be supplied in the space provided, please use additional blank sheets so the submitted Claim for Damages Form can be easily read and understood.

After completing, the Claim for Damages Form is required to be mailed or delivered to:

Physical/Mailing Address:
 Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority
 ATTN: Director of Finance & Administration 
 285 Technology Center Way, Suite 202
Wenatchee, WA 98801

Regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of observed holidays. Please contact the Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority Administration Office with any questions at 509.884.4700.