2020 Resolutions

Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority

CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-01: Authorizing Investment of CDRPA Funds in the LGIP CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-02: Joint Resolution Regarding Property Management CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-03: Snake River Dam Support CDPRA Resolution No. 2020-04: Adopting PMA Rules & Regulations CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-05: WSDOT Snow Removal Equipment Aid Application CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-06: WSDOT Waterville Airport Grant CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-08: CEO Emergency Powers concerning COVID-19 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-09: Voiding Check #5261 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-10: CEO Lease Modifications concerning COVID-19 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-11: CEO Grant Program for Businesses concerning COVID-19 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-12: CERB Planning Grant Application Former Giga Watt Site CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-13: Executive Flight HVAC System Declaring Emergency CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-14: Approving the 2020 Supplemental Budget #1 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-15: Voiding Check #6115 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-16: Voiding Checks #6326, #6336 and #6355 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-17: Surplus Airplane CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-18: Voiding check #6624 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-19: PMA 2021 Rates & Charges CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-20: Approving 2021 Budget CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-21: Establishing Investment Policy for 2021 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-22: Setting Meeting Dates for 2021 CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-23: Surplusing Genie Lift and Ford Truck CDRPA Resolution No. 2020-24: CEO Delegation of Authority for 2021

Port of Chelan County

POCC Resolution No. 2020-01: Amending Comprehensive Plan POCC Resolution No. 2020-02: Authorizing Investment of Port of Chelan County Funds in the LGIP POCC Resolution No. 2020-03: Joint Resolution Regarding Property Management POCC Resolution No. 2020-04 Voiding Warrants #22978 & #23016 POCC Resolution No. 2020-05: Surplus Property Lineage North & South Nodes POCC Resolution No. 2020-06: LTGO Bonds with North Cascades Bank POCC Resolution No. 2020-07: Reprice Banner Bank Bonds POCC Resolution No. 2020-08: Declaration of Substantial Need POCC Resolution No. 2020-09: 1% Increase in New Construction POCC Resolution No. 2020-10: Adopting POCC 2021 Budget POCC Resolution No. 2020-11: Amending Comp Plan to Include LOJO Property POCC Resolution No. 2020-12: Setting Meeting Dates for 2021

Port of Douglas County

PODC Resolution No. 2020-01: Authorizing Investment of Port of Douglas County Funds in the LGIP PODC Resolution No. 2020-02: Joint Resolution Regarding Property Management PODC Resolution No. 2020-03: Voiding Warrant No. 1011275 PODC Resolution No. 2020-04: Voiding Warrant No. 1011372 PODC Resolution No. 2020-05: Defeasance and Redemption of Certain Bonds PODC Resolution No. 2020-06: Voiding check #5024 PODC Resolution No. 2020-07: Declaration of Substantial Need PODC Resolution No. 2020-08: Tax Levy 1% New Construction PODC Resolution No. 2020-09: Adopting PODC 2021 Budget PODC Resolution No. 2020-10: Setting Meeting Dates for 2021